Drawing on Objects

Drawing on Objects
Materials: Lots and Lots of Post-It Notes and Sharpies

Drawing on Objects
Materials: Lots and Lots of Post-It Notes and Sharpies

Drawing on Objects
Materials: Lots and Lots of Post-It Notes and Sharpies

Drawing on Objects
Materials: Lots and Lots of Post-It Notes and Sharpies


Post-It note pranks

Those walls where you leave sticky notes and contribute to making a larger piece

Joe Rudko  http://www.orartswatch.org/joe-rudko-the-photographers-eye/

Artist Statement: 

This is my "Drawing on Objects" piece. My original concept was to cover an entire room in recycled paper materials that I found, but eventually the concept changed over time into a piece made entirely of Post-It Notes. I titled the piece "How Are You"? Most think it is a self-portrait, but instead it is a portrait of my fellow classmates and pretty much anyone who has answered with the words, 'I'm tired" whenever I ask them how they are. I hear the words, "I'm tired" so much that I wanted to create something jarring and comedic that reflects the repetitiveness of the words. I used hundreds of brightly colored Post-Its to fill the walls of the small but conveniently sized space in the art building. This project soon turned into a variation of performance art. Themes like repetition and endurance came to play in the completion of this piece. I had to take several naps over the course of this assignment, because writing, "I'm tired" over and over starts to make you fall asleep. At one point in the process, a mysterious, "I'm Tyrone" appeared on a yellow piece of paper. I made the decision to keep it, since it added to the piece an anomaly, as well as gives a response from the audience.


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