Balsa Wood and Paper Sculpture

Balsa Wood Sculpture

Materials: Balsa wood, paper, masking tape, wood glue, hot glue

Emphasized design principal: "Rhythm"

This was a fun and experimental project for my 3D class. I began by trying out the woodcutter in the wood shop and played with slicing a block of balsa wood while moving it around creating two halves of a wave shape. I went from there and did the same thing with another piece of balsa wood. The piece slowly came together as I combined different shapes, elements, and materials to create a sculpture that exhibited the idea of "rhythm".

Paper Sculpture
Materials: Paper, Balsa wood, hot glue

Emphasized design principal: "Repetition"

This piece features more of my experimentation manipulating three-dimensional materials. I started by rolling pieces of paper into neat, spiral shapes. I then hot glued the tubes to a long strip of paper. Once I noticed how intriguing the structure looked curved, I established two beams for support and hot glued the whole sculpture together. I applied Balsa wood to the bottom pillars to add variety and connect the piece to the "Balsa Wood Sculpture".


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